
Welcome to the tapesponding blog.

First of all congratulations to you for finding this obscure blog located, metaphorically speaking, in the cold damp lower cellar of the internet. There isn’t very much down here. Just the ruins of old websites that never quite made it and the shattered dreams of would-be entrepreneurs.

In this humble blog I hope to bring life back to the corpse that is tapesponding. An almost impossible task, but one I’m prepared to attempt rather like Dr Frankenstein and the rotting lifeless body cut down from the gallows. You see, tapesponding is a hobby that enjoyed it’s heyday back in the 1960’s and 70’s. Ever since then it has been on a slow slide towards extinction. The tapesponding clubs, dedicated to this hobby, have become smaller as members’ drifted away, seduced by other interests and the realisation that the tape recorder is an out-dated technology. There used to be dozens of tape recording clubs in this country alone, not to mention the rest of the world. Now the number of tapesponding clubs can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And yet, despite all this, for a dedicated few, the hobby refuses to die.

Come with me and explore the world of armchair travel. In the tapesponding blog I hope to mix nostalgia and a sprinkling of technical articles with a generous portion of relevant equipment reviews. The views and opinions are my own. That is, after all, what a blog is all about anyway. Just take what you read with a ‘pinch of salt’ and enjoy the ride!

Copyright © 2014 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved.